Be Free to Stack It!: Rings Edition

Coco Chanel once said, “Before leaving the house, a lady should look in the mirror and remove one accessory. Less is more.”

Well, Coco Chanel said that before the stacking came along! Summer is all about accessorizing. You can finally uncover those arms, hands and neckline of yours and show off all the glitz and glam you want! Summer is also about about decoration, and what better way than layering on the jewelry. (Especially after such a frigid winter we had in NYC this year.)

But winter is over. Our hands are free from cold and gloves, which means it’s stacking time!

When it comes to stacking rings, no rules apply. You can be free to decorate your digits any way you want: on all ten fingers, two fingers, one finger, huge gems, skinny rings, any way is great. Here are some great examples of stacking rings:

stacking rings jewelry trend

You can use different shapes, sizes, colors, styles.

NES NYC jewelry stacking rings

If you have a lot of rings that look similar, stack those too. NYC NYC jewelry stacking rings

You can even keep it simple and only wear two rings.

Stacking is fun! Stacking is creative! And can be worn with any outfit, any time of day.

How do you stack? Share photos with us!